Casco Fire Department
The Casco Volunteer Fire Department is located at 211 First Street in the Village of Casco. The Casco Fire Department is made up of 26 volunteers. The 26 volunteers are “on call” 24 hours a day when they are within a reasonable responding distance from the fire station. Our very dedicated individuals of the Casco Fire Department have to be willing to give their time to attend meetings, drills, schooling, and the fire calls with no monetary compensation. Sixty hours of firefighter schooling is required to become an active fireman. The average cost to the fire department to fully equip a volunteer with a pager and the needed firefighting gear is about $2,500.
The Casco Fire Department has three emergency vehicles. The first is a 2000 International pumper which contains 1,600 gallons of water and is able to pump 1,000 gallons per minute. The second vehicle is a 2018 Freightliner pumper containing 1,000 gallons of water and can pump 1,500 gallons per minute. The third vehicle is a converted rescue squad which is used as an equipment van to carry fire equipment as well as firemen.
The Casco Fire Department’s Insurance Services Organization fire rating is a class 6 which helps to keep homeowners and business insurance rates low. This rating is very good considering there isn’t a municipal water system in the village. The Casco Fire Department’s primary response area is the Village of Casco; however, the Casco Fire Department also provides automatic mutual aid, and mutual aid with every fire department in Kewaunee County as well as some in Door and Brown Counties.

Giving Back
The Casco Fire Department relies on fundraisers throughout the year to raise money to purchase new firefighting equipment. Casco Fire teams up with the Casco/Lincoln First Responders to hold a 5K run/walk the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend starting at the Casco Village Park and using the scenic Ahnapee Trail as part of the run/walk route. The fire department also holds its annual cookout the first Friday in June at the Bank of Luxemburg – Casco branch. Our annual milk bottle tournament with raffles and booyah is on the first Saturday of October at the fire station. There are also very generous businesses that sponsor fundraisers for the fire department such as Avon Representative Debbie Haumschild. The Casco Fire Department is very appreciative of these businesses as well as the people that support the fundraisers!

Let’s Connect!
If you have any interest or questions about the Casco Fire Department, you can call Chief Bruce DePeau at 920-837-2857.