Meeting Information
Village of Casco meetings tentatively occur on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. Meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend. Meetings occur at Village Hall which is connected to the firehouse located at 211 First Street.
To have items added to the agenda contact Tammy Skarban at or call the Village office at 920-837-2220. All requests must be received by the last week of the month, no later than Thursday. Responses to requests are timelier through email communication and are the preferred means of contact.
Meeting agendas are posted 48 hours in advance of each meeting. To receive an advance copy please email one business day prior to the meeting.
Monthly meeting minutes are approved at the subsequent month’s meeting. Once approved, the minutes are published on the website and available for download. Meeting minutes are posted at the Bank of Luxemburg, Casco, Casco One Stop and the post office.
For any questions relating to monthly meetings or agendas please contact Tammy Skarban at or call the Village office at 920-837-2220. Responses are timelier through email communication and it is the preferred means of contact. Email responses will be after 4:30 pm.